2015 Comprehensive Plan Update

This plan update serves as the official guide to continue and improve upon Concord Township’s planning and implementation activities with the intent of preserving and enhancing the quality of life of its residents and strengthening the Township’s economic base. It supports and builds upon several recommendations from the previous plans.

Download the 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update

2004 Comprehensive Plan

This comprehensive plan serves as a supporting and supplemental resource to the 2015 Plan Update. It provides an overall strategy for guiding future development in Concord Township and for taking collective action to enhance the community’s quality of life.

Download the 2004 Comprehensive Plan

Concord Town Center Master Plan

The Town Center Master Plan is a long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide the future growth and development and provides a vision for the area.

Download the Town Center Plan

Auburn-Crile Rd. Business Corridor Study: 2006

This study identifies potential future economic development opportunities in the corridor and seeks to ensure that services, zoning and infrastructure are property matched to assure efficient, maximized development for the corridor in concert with the overall development agenda of Concord Township.

Download the Auburn-Crile Rd. Business Corridor Study

Department Contacts

Heather Freeman, AICP
Planning & Zoning Director/Zoning Inspector
(440) 354-7506
(440) 350-0904
Mike Gerson
Assistant Zoning Inspector
(440) 354-7505
(440) 350-0904
Kelly Taraba
Zoning Office Assistant
(440) 350-3224
(440) 350-0904
  • I would like to cut a tree down on my private property, does the Township require a permit?

No, private property owners do not need to acquire a Zoning Permit before removing trees. Please be aware of any Home Owner Association rules for tree removal, conservation easements on your property or private preservation easements.

  • Will the Township come out and tell us where our property line is?

    No, the Township does not survey properties. This is a private property owner responsibility. There are several qualified licensed surveyors listed in the yellow pages.

  • I have a road complaint, whom do I contact?

    Being a Township, it depends on what road you live. The Ohio Department of Transportation takes care of State Routes; the Lake County Engineer maintains County owned roads, while the Concord Township Service Department takes care of Township roadways. Visit the Service Department’s page for more information.

  • Am I allowed to trim my neighbor’s tree branches that are hanging over into my yard?

    This is a civil matter between property owners. Please request permission directly from your neighbor.

  • What can I do about a neighbor who is draining water onto my property?

    There are no Township or county regulations that govern drainage issues. Drainage problems between neighbors are generally considered a civil issue. If a public drainage easement is involved in this dispute, please contact your Homeowners Association (if applicable) or the Concord Township Service Department at (440) 350-3225.

    For all other drainage disputes, the Lake Soil and Water Conservation District offers free technical assistance for property owners regarding storm drainage improvements and / or maintenance. Please keep in mind, the Soil and Water Conservation district can provide guidance only; they are not a regulatory agency. Their number is (440) 350-2730.

  • Can I run a business from my home?

    Home occupations shall not involve any outward evidence of such use of change in outside appearance of the dwelling or principal building. Home occupations shall be carried on in such a manner so as not to create a need for off-street parking in excess of what is customarily provided for the residential use. Concord Township has additional regulations pertaining to home occupations that can be found on the home occupations information sheet.

  • Can I park my car on my front lawn?

    For residential properties with single or two-family dwellings and less than 2 acres, any cars or vehicles stored outside shall be on driveways or off-street parking areas improved with gravel, asphalt, concrete, brick or other similar type material. There shall be no off-street parking provided within the road right-of-way or a temporary easement. For all other grassed areas on the property, parking shall be prohibited for any period of time exceeding 48 hours, and shall not obstruct the view of driveway vehicular and pedestrian traffic of adjoining or abutting properties.

  • Are inspections required with Concord Township or the Lake County Building Department?

    If your project requires a permit from the Building Department, you will schedule inspections with them directly. The Concord Township Zoning Department will conduct a final inspection after the project is complete, and issue a zoning certificate of compliance. As a courtesy, please contact the Zoning Department upon completion of your project.

    Certain projects may require Fire Department review and inspections. Please contact the Fire Department Deputy Chief at (440) 350-2919 for information on fire department requirements.

  • Does the Township require contractors to be registered?

    Contractor registration is through the Lake County Building Department, (440) 350-2636.

  • What is the fee for a Zoning Permit?

    Fees must be submitted with all zoning permit applications, and vary depending on the project. The Concord Township Zoning Department accepts cash or checks. Checks should be made out to Concord Township. Please view the current Zoning Fees Schedule.

  • How long does it take Concord Township to issue my Zoning Permit once I apply?

    The Zoning Department has up to 30 days to process an application for a Zoning Permit. If the application conforms to the Zoning Resolution, the permit will be approved, if not, the application will be denied. More than often, permits for residential projects are approved within a couple of days.

  • Do I need a zoning permit to replace roof shingles, siding, windows, or a private concrete driveway?

    No, a zoning permit is not required. Please contact the Lake County Building Department at (440) 350-2636 to see if a permit is required. Driveways do need to be at least three (3) feet from adjoining property lines.

  • What are the requirements for fences?

    A zoning permit is required for all fences over 20 lineal feet and an application must be approved by the Zoning Department prior to installation. Fences should be no higher than four (4) feet in height if located in the front yard nor eight (8) feet in height if located in the side or rear yards. Height requirements vary for corner or double frontage lot. It is recommended to contact the Zoning Department for additional information. While fences may be placed directly on your property line, residents are encouraged to speak first with their neighbor to make sure maintenance of the other side of the fence is not going to be a problem. It is recommended that you have your property surveyed prior to installing your fence. There are several qualified licensed surveyors listed in the yellow pages.

  • What are the requirements for building a shed or detached garage on my property?

    All sheds and other accessory buildings, regardless of size, require a zoning permit from Concord Township prior to construction. The setbacks, maximum size, height, and number of accessory buildings permitted on a lot is dependent on the zoning district your property is located. In addition, residents should contact Lake County at (440) 350-2636 to see if a building permit is required. Please see the Accessory Buildings information sheet for more information.

  • I am building a deck. Do I need a zoning permit?

    Yes, a zoning permit is required prior to the construction or reconstruction of deck. In addition, a building permit is required from the Lake County Building Department. For more information on, download Building Addition/Decks.

  • What steps should I take when making improvements on my property?

    Your property is an important investment and improvements add value for you and affect the look of your neighborhood. Because outdoor changes to your property – fences, decks, sheds, swimming pools, etc. – can affect your neighbors, property owners are typically required to seek a permit. For more information please visit the Applications page.

    Whenever digging on your property, law requires that property owners call the Ohio Utilities Protection Service (OUPS) at 8-1-1 or (800) 362-2764. It is required that at least 48 hours notice, but no more than 10 days, be given so underground utilities can be marked. There is also an online notification process with OUPS.