Concord Township provides many opportunity for citizen involvement including various boards and commissions. The following boards and commissions are currently active, however, new committees form on an as needed basis.
Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals acts upon requests for variances, grants conditional use permits, and hears and decides on administrative appeals.
Zoning Commission
The Zoning Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees on matters concerning amendments to the Zoning Resolution and the Zoning Map, and review and approves Applications for Site Plan Review for proposed permitted uses.
Financial Advisory Committee
The Financial Advisory Committee was established in 2007, and was established to enhance the reliability of Concord’s financial statement audit. The committee reviews the Township’s financial records on an interim basis. The committee consists of three residents, appointed by the Trustees (one each), for a minimum of two years. They meet 1-2 times per year, or as needed.