Lake County Resources
(440) 350-2532
Board of Elections
(440) 350-2700
Building Inspection
(440) 350-2636
Commissioners Office
(440) 350-2745
Emergency Management Agency
(440) 350-5499
Engineer Department
(440) 350-2770
General Health District
(440) 350-2543
Geographic Information System
(440) 350-5970
Lake County Land Reutilization Corp.
(440) 350-2133
Lake Development Authority
(440) 357-2290
Lake Metroparks
(440) 639-7275
(888) 525-3872
Planning & Community Development
(440) 350-2740
Prosecutor’s Office
(440) 350-2683
Recorder’s Office
(440) 350-2510
Sheriff’s Office
- General Inquiries: (440) 350-5620
- Non-Emergency: (440) 354-3434
Soil & Water Conservation District
(440) 350-2730
Stormwater Management
(440) 350-5900
Tax Map Department
(440) 350-2501
Treasurer’s Office
(440) 350-2516
Utilities Department
- Eastern/Central Lake County: (440) 350-2645
- Western Lake County: (440) 918-2645
U.S. Government and State Agencies Resources
Ohio Administrative Code
Ohio Revised Code
Ohio Attorney General
ODOT (Ohio Department of Transportation)
- District 12 Headquarters: (216) 581-2100
- Lake County ODOT: (440) 354-2191
O.U.P.S. (Ohio Utility Protection Service)
(800) 362-2764