A Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) is a designated township area where a city has agreed to share the benefits and responsibilities of commercial and industrial development. Concord Township and the City of Painesville entered into an agreement to enhance the development opportunities, to create and preserve jobs and improve the economic welfare of area residents. The JEDD is established as a special district under provisions of Ohio law which is governed by a Board of Directors and the terms of the agreement between the communities.
The Concord-Painesville JEDD was created in 2008 as a partnership between Concord Township and the City of Painesville. The specific goal of the JEDD is to further economic development of the Auburn-Crile Road Business Corridor, an area south of the intersection of Interstate 90 and State Route 44. The economic opportunity was the result of the economic deficits created in both communities when Lake Health closed its Painesville hospital and built the TriPoint Medical Center in Concord. The City of Painesville lost income tax revenue and Concord Township found itself with insufficient infrastructure to support the traffic demands that the hospital and additional development created. The creation of the JEDD provided a funding mechanism to address infrastructure and safety issues without increasing property taxes across the Township.
The JEDD Board is appointed under the terms of the Ohio Revised Code by Concord Township Trustees and Painesville City Council. Those appointees select an additional person to be the chairman. The board is required to implement the terms and conditions outlined in the JEDD agreement and abide by State law. To accomplish the JEDD’s mission, they are empowered to levy an income tax on the employees and businesses in the District. The funds raised by the income tax are shared between the two communities and the JEDD Board.
The Concord-Painesville JEDD established a 1.75% income tax that is levied on all employees of JEDD members and the business net profits. Those funds are then distributed as follows: 8% to the JEDD Board and the remainder split 75% to Concord Township and 25% to Painesville City. This income tax rate is one of the lowest in the region. Employees that live in a community with income tax may receive credit for taxes paid to the JEDD. The JEDD does not affect property taxes or sales taxes.
View the latest JEDD brochure to learn:
- The Creation of the Concord-Painesville JEDD
- Economic Incentives
- Current Market Data
JEDD Benefits for Your Business
Doing Business in Concord Township
The Concord-Painesville JEDD was awarded the 2011 Team NEO Award for Regionalism & Cross Border Collaboration.
JEDD Activity
The JEDD held its Strategic Planning Meeting on December 11, 2015 in Concord Township at the Community Center.
- Quail Hollow Redevelopment Options, Silverlode Consulting Report
- Welcome SDC (Steven Douglas Corporation), in Concord Township, to the JEDD on October 2, 2023. View The News-Herald October 17, 2023 article, Firm Moves Into New Concord Twp. HQ.
- View the Strategic Planning Meeting PowerPoint Presentation
- The News-Herald November 2018 article, New Land for JEDD
- The News-Herald January 2018 article, Crile Road Development Continuing to Boost Key Concord Township Business Corridor
- The News-Herald July 2017 article, Concord Township Ready to Accept Proposals for Development of New Mixed-Use Project Center
- The News-Herald May 2017 article, Concord-Painesville JEDD, Boards Consider Proposal for Concord’s Business Corridor
- The News-Herald December 2015 article, Concord-Painesville Joint Economic Development District Reflects on Successful Past While Planning for the Future
2025 JEDD Board Meeting Schedule – REVISED
- February 10 – Special Meeting at 3:00 pm
- March 21 (Revised from March 14)
- June 13
- September 12
- December 12
All meetings will begin at 8:00 am at Concord Township Town Hall, 7229 Ravenna Road, Concord Township, Ohio, unless otherwise noted. All meetings are subject to change.
Meeting agendas may be obtained by contacting Debbie Powall, (440) 354-7501, [email protected] or Rita McMahon, JEDD Administrator, at [email protected].
JEDD Minutes
- 9-13-2024 JEDD Minutes
- 6-28-2024 JEDD Minutes
- 3-15-2024 JEDD Minutes
- 1-31-2024 Special Meeting Minutes
- 1-26-2024 Special Meeting Minutes
- 1-17-2024 Special Meeting Minutes
- 12-8-2023 JEDD Minutes
- 9-15-2023 JEDD Minutes
- 6-9-2023 JEDD Minutes
- 4-27-2023 JEDD Special Meeting Minutes
- 3-17-2023 JEDD Minutes
- 12-09-2022 JEDD Minutes
- 09-09-2022 JEDD Minutes
- 06-10-2022 JEDD Minutes
- 04-29-2022 JEDD Minutes (Special Mtg.)
- 03-11-2022 JEDD Minutes
JEDD Public Records Policy
Current Board Members
- Christopher Galloway, Chairperson
- Morgan McIntosh, Vice-Chairperson
- Doug Lewis, Treasurer
- Christine Shoop, Secretary
- Joe Popely
Rita McMahon, JEDD Administrator
(440) 477-1449 or (440) 354-7500
[email protected]