Delivering Benefits that Drive Development
The Concord-Painesville JEDD is located in Concord Township at the juncture of I-90 and S.R. 44, where Concord and Painesville are fostering economic development that will benefit both communities and JEDD members. Our mission is to serve, lead, innovate, nurture, and grow development that will benefit both communities. As a member, you can take advantage of:
- Utilities & Infrastructure: Discounted utilities (water rates); existing and newly improved infrastructure that enhances accessibility and improves safety.
- Reduced Costs: Eligibility for financial grants for certain property improvements and financial support for workforce training programs.
- Community Support: A network of businesses and residents who support the community’s growth and prosperity
- Location: Desirable location at I-90 and S.R. 44, a transportation link for the tri-county area of Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake, including:
- Premier positioning within the emerging healthcare corridor with University Hospitals TriPoint Medical Center, Concord Village Skilled Nursing and Rehab, an $11.5 Million investment competed in 2016 and Vista Sprints Assisted Living Facility, an $18 Million investment completed in 2017, and University Hospital’s Concord Health Center, all of which bring more than 1,981 employees to the corridor daily, along with visitors.
- Opportunity to be a part of future development in an attractive region of Northeast Ohio.
“We are always looking for ways to provide services through the JEDD that businesses and property owners might not be able to get elsewhere. By being a part of the JEDD, members have a role in what is becoming a destination location.”
–Christopher Galloway, JEDD Board Chairman, Lake County Auditor
Financial Incentives
The Concord-Painesville JEDD supports the businesses within its jurisdiction. The JEDD Board along with Concord Township has created a variety of economic development incentives available to participating JEDD members. The incentives are designed to assist businesses with the development and expansion of their property. Potentially available to businesses are a variety of grants, tax abatement programs, income tax rebates and energy audits. Each program has specific requirements and is only available if the property and business are JEDD participants.
Contact Rita McMahon, JEDD Administrator, at (440) 477-1449, (440) 354-7500 or [email protected] for more information or review the link below for a complete listing of the incentives.