The Concord Township Recreation Department manages the Concord Community Garden, located at 7125 Ravenna Road, behind the Old Stone Schoolhouse.
Residents and garden enthusiasts can rent plots each growing season. Plots sizes are 10’x20’, 20’x20’ and raised beds. Plots are available in the organic and non-organic sections. The garden is tilled in early spring and the Township provides a load of compost for planting.
Submit your application anytime for a plot in next year’s garden by February 1st. All applications will be reviewed and plot assignments announced by the end of February.
A plot fee is required to be paid at the beginning of the season. Water is provided. Call the Recreation Department at 440-639-4650 for details.
A new perimeter fence was installed around the community garden in the summer of 2018 as an Eagle Scout Project led by Concord resident James Keherly. The fence helps to keep out critters of all kinds and beautifully surrounds the hard work and dedicated efforts of our community gardeners.