John M. Patriarca was elected as Fiscal Officer of Concord Township to begin his term on April 1, 2024. The Ohio Revised Code establishes the duties and responsibilities of the Fiscal Officer. The Fiscal Officer is elected to a four-year term that commences on the first day of April following the election.
The Fiscal Officer has all the fiscal responsibilities of the Township including paying bills, payrolls and receiving revenue as it is distributed to the Township. In addition to the fiscal duties, the Fiscal Officer also maintains an accurate record of the proceedings of all the Board of Trustees meetings. The Fiscal Officer is the liaison with the Lake County Auditor, State of Ohio Auditor’s Office and the Office of the Ohio Treasurer.

Ohio Checkbook

Concord Township is committed to financial transparency. Therefore, we have partnered with the Ohio Treasurer of State’s Office to make the Township’s financial information easily accessible at Ohio Checkbook. The Ohio Checkbook is updated annually. Historical information dating back to fiscal year 2018 is also available.

Ohio Checkbook

2024 Tax Budget for Concord Township

Resolution 2023-09 – 2024 Tax Budget

Understanding Your Taxes in Concord Township

Below are links to Administrator Andy Rose’s presentation, Understanding Your Taxes in Concord Township.

Please contact Andy Rose at [email protected] or (440) 354-7513 if you have any questions.

Understanding Taxes in Concord 

Year-to-Date Fund Summary and Encumbrances

Funding Sources for Concord Township

Public Records Policy

Public Records Policy
Concord Township Public Records Request Form

Department Contacts

John Patriarca
Fiscal Officer
(440) 354-7516
(440) 350-0904
Cindy Sadler
Human Resources Coordinator/ Cemetery Assistant
(440) 354-7517
(440) 350-0904
Name Address Phone Fax Hours
Town Hall Campus 7229 Ravenna Rd (440) 354-7500 (440) 354-7511 Monday-Friday 8 am – 4:30 pm
Type Form Name Size Action
PDF Public Records Request Form 140.33 Kb
PDF Hotel/Motel Tax Form 266.85 Kb
  • How is the Fire Department funded?

    Real estate taxes are the primary funding source for the Fire Department. They also receive hotel taxes, EMS revenue from insurance companies, grants and donations

  • How are township roads funded?

    Township roads are funded from real estate taxes, motor vehicle license taxes, gas taxes, hotel taxes and grants.

  • Do Concord Township residents pay township taxes like cities do?

    Concord Township residents are not subject to income tax unless they work within the JEDD. Concord Township currently has a JEDD in place with the City of Painesville.

  • How are townships funded?

    Townships are funded primarily through property tax levies. Unlike counties that may levy both a property tax and a sales tax and municipalities that may levy a property tax and an income tax.

  • What is Tax Increment Financing (TIF)?

    Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is an economic development mechanism available to local governments in Ohio to finance public infrastructure improvements.

    Tax revenue generated by undeveloped or underutilized property does not change. It is allocated at the same amount to the same recipients. TIF applies to tax revenue that exists because of new development or redevelopment. TIF is not tax abatement. Payments derived from the increased assessed value of any improvement to real property beyond that amount are directed towards a separate fund to finance the construction of public infrastructure defined within the TIF legislation.

    Benefits of TIFs:

    • Encourages development and helps finance infrastructure projects and improvements, such as new roads and public works projects
    • Communities receive more tax revenue, which increase economic activity and creates a more sustainable business environment for JEDD members and beyond.
    • Adds value to new development and redeveloped properties, which then generates additional taxes to support infrastructure and level expenses