Did you know that if you do not have a hard line phone and have switched your service totally over to cellular service you may not be in the Reverse 9-1-1 data bank?
The Lake County Emergency Management Agency has a reverse 9-1-1 system to help our citizens in time of emergency. It is capable of reaching a specific area of people with emergency information, along with instructions of what they need to do in the emergency. Specific criteria has been designated for the use of this Reverse 9-1-1 system. The criteria could be any of the following:
- Conditions exist where affected residents could be or have the potential to be in immediate danger
- There is a potential for serious risk to life and property
- Notification could aid in the apprehension of a criminal suspect
- Notification could aid in the safe return of a lost child
- Notification could aid in the safe return of a mentally, physically orĀ emotionally challenged individual or an elderly patient (walk away from a nursing facility).
Please note that often the initial Reverse 9-1-1 that is sent out is limited to a specific geographical area (example: 1/2 mile around an incident or problem) so that the information can get out quickly. The larger the area that the reverse 9-1-1 is sent, the longer the message takes to get to everyone due to the fact that there are so many telephone numbers to be called.
If you have a registered hard line phone, you are in the Reverse 9-1-1 data bank and all you have to do is answer your phone. However, if you have a cell phone it is NOT automatically entered into the County Reverse 9-1-1 system. To register your cell phone with the Reverse 9-1-1 system, visit the link at the bottom of this post. For registration issues, email [email protected] and EMA staff will provide assistance. All information provided is confidential and will not be shared. It is important that this information is shared with the EMA so that they may keep you safe in times of emergency.
For more information on the Reverse 9-1-1 system visit Lake County’s EMA website.